We are taking the initiative

Welcome to The AON Initiative, where hearts are ignited, minds are inspired, and communities are transformed. The AON Initiative, Inc. is driven by a powerful vision: contribute to building a world where creativity knows no bounds and every individual, regardless of their background, finds the support they need to flourish. As a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, our commitment to serving others is at the very core of who we are. Our mission is guided by three unwavering pillars: Community, Empowerment, and Education.

our team oF initiators

We are a team of creatives who look to initiate change and fuel progress through our combined experiences, endeavours and our passion for making a meaningful impact throughout the World. 

Initators possess a remarkable ability to turn ideas into action and fearlessly chart a new paths towards our mission's realization. 

W. Virgol Hawkins

President & CEO

Ola R. Hawkins

Chief Financial Officer

J. Levenston bell

Vice President of Psychotherapy Programming

Kyon Edwards

Vice Presidnet of Media & Technology Integration

Shaunda freeman

Director of Community Outreach

CHad knox

Director of Marketing & Communication